Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam - Course 10319

Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam

  • TIme: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Coordinator Lori Wojciechowski     email:     phone: 386.462.3181

The Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) is an industry-recognized exam designed to assess core skills and knowledge sets identified by industry, and represented within the academic and performance standards of secondary Biotechnology programs. The exam was originally vetted by the state of Florida’s industry organization, BioFlorida, which represents more than 3,000 companies and research organizations in the biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and bioagriculture sectors. Since its creation, BACE has been assessed by national and international companies as other states adopt the exam.

BACE is offered through Biotility at the University of Florida’s Center of Excellence for Regenerative Health Biotechnology (UF CERHB). The knowledge exam is administered by an approved proctor via the UF e-Learning system. The practical exam assesses technical workplace skills, and is performed at an approved Exam Site under the observation of an approved Skills Evaluator. 

The credentialing standards for BACE include the Academic Knowledge and CTE Performance Standards and Benchmarks taught in the Industrial Biotechnology program at the secondary level. Certified individuals have a knowledge and skill set applicable to entry level positions in the biotechnology industry.

Upon completion of the Biotechnology Assistant Credentialing Exam (both practical and knowledge portions), each successful participant will receive:

  • A BACE Certificate
  • A letter for potential employers explaining the benefits of hiring a BACE-certified student
  • Access to Badgr for employers to verify certification online