XMS Help Center


Modified: 10/05/2007 12:35 by admin - Categorized as: Programs
Programs are the highest entities in the XMS hierarchy. Courses and individual Students can be associated with programs. When a Course is associated with a program, it is implied that all Students registered for Sections derived from this Course are associated with the Program.

To Add, Remove, or Modify Programs select Manage → Programs from the Top Menu, or click the Manage Programs button from the Course or Student screen.



XMS will show you a listing of existing Programs like the one below. To Edit an existing entry, click its Title. To Add a new entry, click the Add New Program button.

NOTE: You can only Remove Programs that have no Course or Student associations. In that case a Remove button will show for the entry in the right-most column. Otherwise, it will show the number or Course and Student associations there.
