XMS Help Center

User Administration

Modified: 12/06/2007 16:30 by WillemV - Uncategorized


1 Overview

XMS is driven by its users and administrators. The basic access element in XMS is the User Group. User Groups are completely separated from each other and each have their own data, users and administrators. Users have access to the data in their User Groups in accordance with permissions set by the User Group Administrators. The Developers of XMS have a more extended control over Users and Administrators, as well as the application itself.

Within each User Group the next access level consists of Roles, which each have a set of permissions. Users can quickly be assigned basic permissions by adding them to a particular Role. Roles can be fine tuned through manipulating the Permissions that are defined for the User Group.

To allow Developers and Administrators to add, remove and modify Users and Roles, XMS has an interface that is tailored to their position. Users never have access to any of the application's configuration or user administrative functions.


2 Definitions

To understand how User Administration works it is necessary to define its elements and clarify their functions. Within XMS there are three Access Levels that have varying grades of permissions to manipulate Users and the application.


2.1 Developers

Developers are the application operators. This level is mainly meant to cope with anything that the Users and/or Administrators cannot handle themselves. This level is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the application and as such has full access to all User Groups. Developers are the only ones that can add, remove and modify other Developers and User Groups.


2.2 Group Admins

Group Admins are the second level of access in XMS. They can add, remove, or modify Users within the User Groups that they are Admins for. Each User Group usually has only one or two Admins.


2.3 Group Users

Users constitute the basic level of access in XMS. A User can belong to multiple User Groups, but can access and work in only one at a time. Access to XMS is determined by the Role assigned to the User by the User Group Admin. Besides a Standard Role, and extended Roles that increase the standard permissions, there are two Specific Roles that are restrictive to one particular task.


2.3.1 Report Reader

Report Readers can only access a modified Report section of XMS. They have no access to any other part of XMS. The Report section allows them to pull Reports for DOCE accounts that are allotted to them by the User Group Admin. Both the number of various Reports and the number of available DOCE accounts are limited to what a particular Report Reader needs access to.


2.3.2 Student Importers

Student Importers can only import Student data into XMS. They cannot access any other XMS functionality. The data that can be imported is restricted to a certain format and is evaluated rigorously before being accepted. If any duplicate or incomplete Student data is detected, the entire import is terminated until the issues are solved. The import is checked for possible hacks and other data inconsistencies as well.


3 Roles and Permissions

Each User Group has Roles that define a particular level of access to XMS. XMS has a number of System Roles that cover virtually all of its functionality, but if need be, customized User Roles can be created on a per User Group basis. Roles define sets of Permissions. Users added to a particular Role inherit those Permissions and can use XMS accordingly. The various Roles and Permissions are as follows:


3.1 System Roles

XMS has a set of Roles that are inherent to the application and cannot be changed by Admins. These Roles cover all the basic functionality in XMS.

  • Admin
The User Group Administrator.

  • Depositor
Extends the Standard Role with permission to process Payments for Deposit.

  • Developer
The XMS Developer.

  • Online Registrator
Extends the Standard Role with permission to process Registrations that were submitted online.

  • Report Reader
Has access to a limited number of DOCE accounts only for the purpose of generation a limited number of Reports. Has no other access rights to XMS. This Role is usually reserved for persons outside of the DCE Staff circle that need information about Section participation and other basic course data.

  • Standard
The standard Role for XMS access, which allows the User to work with Registrations, Courses, Sections, Students, Contacts, Payments, Mailing Lists, Locations, Programs, and Reports. Access to Deposits and Online Registrations requires membership of the Depositor and OnlineRegistrator Roles in addition to this Role.

  • StudentImport
Has a limited ability to import Student data into XMS in accordance with stringent data format requirements. Has no other access rights to XMS.

When new Users are added to XMS by either a Developer or Admin, they are added to the Standard Role by default. Further access or access restrictions need to be handled after the User has been added. In most cases the Standard Role or changing to the Report Reader Role will suffice.


3.2 User Roles

User Roles are specific Roles defined by the User Group Admin for access permissions that are not covered by the System Roles. Since the System Roles do cover virtually all XMS functionality, there are currently no such Roles defined.


3.3 Permissions

XMS has a basic set of Permissions that are used within the Roles to create a particular form of access.

  • XMS_BackflowUser: Provides access to Backflow data.
  • XMS_Courses: Provides access to XMS Course records.
  • XMS_Deposits: Provides access to Deposit data and the ability to process Payments for Deposit.
  • XMS_LandfillUser: Provides access to Landfill data.
  • XMS_MailingLists: Provides access to Mailing Lists.
  • XMS_OnlineReg: Provides access to Online Registrations records and the ability to process these.
  • XMS_Payments: Provides access to Payment records.
  • XMS_Registrations: Provides access to Registration records.
  • XMS_Reports: Provides access to Report generation.
  • XMS_Sections: Provides access to Section records.
  • XMS_Students: Provides access to Student records.

Each Role consists of a combination of one or more of these Permissions.


4 Administration

The actual administration of Users and Roles is handled through the XMS interface. Both Developers and User Group Admins have an extra Menu item called Administration. Since the administrative abilities of Developers go beyond the scope of this help file, we will only deal with the Menu as it appears to User Group Admins.

For Admins there are three Menu items with specific functions.


4.1 Members

Here, Admins can add, remove, or modify Users for the particular User Group they are administring.


From the Top Menu, select Administration → Members to bring up a listing of current Users.


To add a new User, click the Add button. This will bring up a list of active DCE Staff Members that are not already Users for this User Group. If the User you want to add is not in this list, it means that they have not been entered into the DCE Staff database. You must do so before you can add the User to your User Group (see section 4.3 below for information on how to do this). If the User is in the list, select him and click the Add To Group button. The User will be added to the User Group with the Standard Role Permissions and you will see a screen where you can fine tune or change the access for the User.


For instance, if the User should be a Report Reader, uncheck the Standard Role (and any other checked Roles), check the Report Reader Role and click the Save Changes button. When selecting Report Reader or Student Import, make sure that no other Roles are selected.

If a User is a Report Reader, you can further restrict acess by selecting what DOCE Accounts are available to the User. By default the User has access to all accounts in the User Group. See section 5 for more information about account restrictions.

To remove a User, select the User from the User List and click the Remove button. This will remove the User from both the User Group and any associated Roles.

To modify the access rights of a User, select the User from the User List and click the Edit button. You will be taken to a screen where you can determine what Role the User should be assigned to.



4.2 Roles

Here, Admins can add, remove, or modify User Roles for the particular User Group they are administring.


From the Top Menu, select Administration → Roles to bring up a listing of current Roles defined for the User Group. In almost all cases this will be a list of System Roles only. System Roles cannot be added, removed or modified by Admins.


To add a new User Role, click the Add button. Enter the Role Name and Description and select what Permissions apply to this Role. Please check your set of Permissions against the Permission sets defined for the existing System Roles. If your set matches those of an existing System Role there is little use in creating a duplicate as a User Role. Instead, simply assign the User to the System Role. Click the Save Changes button to create the User Role.

To remove a User Role, select the Role from the Role List and click the Remove button. This will remove the Role from the User Group and any User associations.

To modify a User Role, select the Role from the Role List and click the Edit button. Change whatever information needs to change and click the Save Changes button. Here too, if the Permission set changes, check it against those of the System Roles.


4.3 DCE Staff

From the Top Menu, select Administration → DCE Staff to bring up a listing of Active DCE Staff members. In order to add a new User to your User Group, they must be present in this list.

If they are not, clcik the Add New DCE Staff Member button. The minimum requirements for successfully adding a new record are:

  • First Name: The first name of the User.
  • Last Name: The last name of the User.
  • UFID: The UFID of the User.
  • Primary Group: The User Group that the User is primarily associated with. Remember, a User can belong to more than one User Group.
  • Default Group: The User Group a User will start off in after logging into XMS. If the User is only associated with one User Group, set this to the same as the Primary Group. If the User is associated with more than one User Group, this would ideally be set to the Group they work with most (which is not necessarily their Primary Group).
  • Active: Should always be set to Yes.
  • Gatorlink Name: The GatorLink user name. This is required to log into XMS, as XMS uses GatorLink authentication. If the User does not hav a GatorLink account, they can still be added to the DCE Staff Member list, but cannot log into XMS until a valid GatorLink user name has been added to this record.

The rest of the fields are optional, but we recommend that they be filled in as completely as possible. Click the Save Chenges button when done to add the record to the DCE Staff Member list.

You can now add this member to a User Group that you are an Admin for and set his Permissions accordingly.


5 Account Restrictions

Especially those User Groups that have many DOCE Accounts would not want their ReportReaders to have access to all of them. It causes confusion and may lead to data falling into the wrong hands. It is best practice to restrict ReportReaders to only those DOCE Accounts that they absolutely need access to to do their job.

The default in XMS is no restriction. To restrict a ReportReader to one or more DOCE Accounts, go to their Member record and select the accounts from the list of available DOCE Accounts. This list shows both open and closed accounts -- the open accounts firs, and then the closed accounts. In other wordsa, you can provide access to closed accounts as well. Actuate the restriction by clicking the Right Arrow button. This will move the selected accounts over to the restriction list. There is no need to click the Save Changes button.